Thursday, June 11, 2020

New Essay on Patreon and . . . ¿Solstice Workshop?

After about a zillion true starts, the subtle body essay "On the Bright and Secret Body" is finally published on Patreon! 

This is the first of a series of A/V or simply audio preliminaries I will be publishing over the next few months.  There's a short list of topics in the preface of this first piece, but here 'tis again:
~ why sadhanas (spiritual practices) have a particular structure; ~ what is close-retreat, how it works and why you might consider taking one;   ~ more discussion of the conventional and wisdom senses;   ~ a definition of the ‘hypnogogic’ or twilight state, and why it is key to the Eleusian EpiphaniesWe begin with ‘the bright and secret body' because all of these require understanding how the subtle body is organized. 

And... the Eleusian Epiphanies is moving to the Eastern Med in early July, so we have time for one more workshop here in the States... so please drop by the Patreon poll and sing out your preference.  FYI: the Patreon page is a bit sticky for mobile devices, you'll have more luck using a computer to register your opinion. 

As everyone has gone to virtual meeting rooms, the Eleusian Epiphanies will continue in human-presence workshops, albeit with all of the safety-procedures in place.  We'll announce topic, date and place on June 16 and have the registration page ready to go for the 21st (probably).  Attendance will be limited to 10 this time, in honor of our Situation.

If anyone has a UV light air purifier they would be willing to loan, please let me know

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