Friday, March 1, 2024

Kalo mina! Greetings from Greece on Martaki (March 1)

 So… do we remember this from last July?  

🎶🎶🎶🎶...You Say It's My Birthmonth...🎶🎶🎶🎶

“Tomorrow I reluctantly part with my 67th year and take on the 68th.  It's the aesthetics of the new number --two even digits?-- that gives me a mild sense of foreboding.”

Well, the first half of my year (counting from July) was in fact full of strife. Three major falling-outs rolled through the biograph with thunderclap intensity. Plus the usual vexations: car repairs, economic mis-steps, health questions.  Those were minor compared to the fractured friendships.  As of this date, two have been reconciled, but the third may be a total loss§.  There’s no gallic shrug around that. The aleatory nature of trust is a lifelong lesson.     

Honestly, these kinds of experiences are neither unfamiliar nor unexpected.  Back when I was all growed-up —in a PhD program and acting like I knew something— my futureself busted up the party with this Vision: I was a Gyrovague, dressed all in white (🙄)and ever-wandering.

.  My spiritual ‘job’ was to piss people off, then hang in there with them (“steady as She blows!”) holding the mirror until they settled into equanimity. 

Like all tantras, this is dangerous, but extremely efficient.  Yes, yes - tantra is generally identified with mahasukkha, great pleasure - but I also work with Mahakrodha (one of the epithets of Vajrayogini) :: the Great Anger, which produces that other —red— bodhicitta†.

Men, by definition, are full of this stuff.  The endocrine equivalent is testosterone and contributes to the ability to focus, find the Enemy, and the will to destroy.  That’s the raw (primal) form/expression. 

In women’s bodies red bodhicitta is almost always in a more refined state as we are the natural factories of the white bodhicitta (oxytocin) that modulates the expression of the red.  In our bodies this red/white admixture trends to creative expression; or it is sublimated into a neural burn that eliminates the physiological cause of samsara: fear.  (Sorry guys, it’s only ‘ignorance’ for Kshatriya princes who wish they were Brahmins).

More on this up the EEpiphanies road.  For the nonce, class over.  


As I was saying. . . the second half of this 68th year is less fraught, though equally demanding. After the detonations of the summer, I spent September-December cultivating what I hoped would be a retreat space and its guardian.  That process took all of the time, money, vitality I could generate - and turned out to be a dead end.  

But on January 6 —exactly my half-birthday— I was standing in the house I would lease for the rest of the year, which features a sala (living room) with a skylight ceiling.  

It probably leaks.  But do I care?

Anyway, once I caught my breath from the autumn’s dazzling mischief, tickets to Greece were acquired and a campaign to fund the journey launched.  Now here on Martaki (1st day of Greek Spring), but it is a cold, wet day in the Peloponnese.  However I can hear the corinthian gulf (3 blocks away) tossing in its bed and negative ions sparkling through the atmosphere.  

Greece produces an entirely different version of the yogini you know&love. Almost all of the background fear I ‘enjoy’ as a Texan and Latinamericanist dissipates and a quiet clarity steals through me.  It is where I can access what y’all might call ‘altered states’ most readily, but there is no less work involved.  In other words, ‘altered’ does not mean blissed.  It just means that the range of my awareness is dilated.  This guides my path through the Sanctuaries and deepens my meditative practice.  When the Inside is as ample as the outside, we’ve struck pay-dirt {{glint}}. 

Once I return to Tex-Mexico, an extended retreat period is still on the calendar.  It will be a weekly cycle: some days in CIR (closed intensive); otherwise writing and other forms of money-grubbing for the following six months.  

…but in my lovely, leaky skyhouse, with Ms. Cwabby at the door.  

There is still some small hope for a retreat guardian, though the topic has gone through several filters with close friends who assure me that it is a chimera.  Maybe so, but we’ll see who pulls up to the door once things get going.   Are you curious? Male? Meditator with a passport and too much time on your hands?  Write to me… 

ALSO: Have you seen my Patreon?  There’s a free, somewhat-weekly essaylette on Wandering WodinsWednesdays and a new, 1$ level of membership for the monthly ‘preAmble’ [the one linked above just happens to have both].  These subscriptions help keep my tuchis parked on the cushion for the required dedarkenment periods.  

ALSOALSO:: The EEEmporium is only open sporadically - right now you can pre-order Greek delights that I will ship to you once back in the US (later this month).   I’m not here to shop, but a few curiosities offered themselves as I was meandering the Jumbo. (Last day to buy will be March 10).  LMK!



§ It might be a stretch to call that one a ‘friendship.’ For more than two years —per the stylings of Da Durrell— we (psychically) palpated one another “like two surgeons looking for a lump.” We found it, but extraction proved to be impossible.  

† Bodhicitta … the funny thing about this wiki definition is that it entirely leaves out the question of bodhicitta as a substance.  I call it ‘buddha-pop’ and it is semi-physical (molecular), corresponds to endocrine flows and in Tibetan/Chinese medical systems is treated as a fluid.  But yes, it also coordinates with the development of compassion and compassionate action.  Shabash!  

Wednesday, August 16, 2023

Interiorating the Eleusian Epiphanies. Shabash!

‘Interiorating’ huh?  I think that might be a cooking term.  

Anyhoo, welcome back!  As you may remember from May’s “Update,” in a few weeks I am heading into extended retreat… and taking my toys with me: 

“Through 2024 all [of the Eleusian Epiphanies] will be drawn back into my heart-center.  As this experiment began in 2017, we might think of this fall-back as a sabbatical ["and in the 7th year, she rested"].” 

As things are going, I will have to settle quickly after arriving to . . . Albania? Greece? Tunisia? Or Mexico again?  I have tickets, but events are in flux. 

Before I pull the Eleusian Epiphanies completely off the table, I’d like take a moment to review its contours: 

i. This experiment is something of a triptych. The first panel contains the Peripateos (sanctuary circuits)  undertaken in 2017, 2018, 2019, 2020 and 2021.  The idea was to visit seven oracles tested by King Croesus.  Story goes that the Lydian basileus found only Delphi to be accurate (though he did say that the Theban oracle of Amphiarus was ‘unlying’).  I wanted to hear for myself.  

Arriving to Thesprotia in early 2017, it was with no small surprise that I discovered not just Croesus’ seven but many more oracular centers in Illyria/Greece/Thrakia/Anatolia — though some lay under (or inside!) churches built from the 4th C on.  That first year I only managed four of the Croesus-tested, but I went to nine others not on his list.  What did I do in these holy precincts?  

I learned to listen.ƒ  

ii. The result of these visits/discussions/auditions are the practices (a/k/a :: yogas, tantras, creative/cognitive games) of the Eleusian Epiphanies themselves.   

This upcoming retreat is to make sure that the EEpiphanies (e.g. the 33 Names of Goddess; Yoga of the Purified Senses; Demetæra & Krodharpana sadhanas) don’t just produce a pleasant little buzz, but are in fact able to instigate & stabilize Samadhi.  The S-word is not a vague blissonym for me.  It signals a definite, testable†, recurrent state that I’ve been able to scry in half a dozen humans* this lifetime, and my travels have shown me that it is of great interest to Those-Who-Abide in the Sanctuaries.  

Samadhi arises in three waves: first, there is a weakening or recession of the craving/anger continuum which underwrites the conventional senses.  Second is the emergence of prajnaindriya - the  wisdom-senses that spontaneously arise when anger, craving, fear (and all their stepchildren) stop running the table.   Third is stabilizing the ongoing alchemy between the Poisons and the Wisdoms so that you remain connected to your own humanity.  Floating off to Nibbana ain’t it.    

Addendum: despite the neutralizing of the Poisons (‘Klesas’ or defilements) that signals the onset of Samadhi, a pleasant personality, ‘niceness’ or even loving-kindness(metta) is not the goal.  The appearance of kindness is too easy to simulate while still embedded in the karmic circuitry that keeps us enthralled.  To get stuck in the ‘my religion is kindness’ trope is to forfeit the 2nd and 3rd stages outlined above.  Caveat Luditor.

iii. The third aspect of the Eleusian Epiphanies is really so pervasive as to be environmental, and that is the Ghantayana, the 5th Turning of the Wheel of Dharma.  You’ve probably seen my notes on this… 

What I finally understand is that the gradualist approach to phasing out the depredations of Wheels I-IV is futile.   There is a structural —foundational— problem with any religion/philosophy/cognitive-framework  that subjugates women & the natural world; then requires an authority to mediate Those-Who-Abide.   Yes, yes, the gods (whom N. Gaiman has aptly named ‘the Endless’) were perfectly happy to go along with that story for a while, but even 3, 4, 5 millennia ago there were dissenters in Their ranks (cough ~Dionysus~ cough).  

That is to say, there is more at stake than just humanity’s education.   This 5th Turning will also underwrite more conscious relationships between humanity and its collaborators in the animal, elemental  and demiurgic worlds.  

How?  People, I am going on retreat to find out.  My discoveries may well lead to more retreat.  Or an unholy book.  Or choirs of sea-mammals crooning us into a 1000-year sleep.   Or a trampoline big enough to launch yoginis into orbit.  We’ll see.  


Needless to say, I have a few critics.  Three of my favorites recently declared their “disbelief” in this project.  Once I picked up my jaw from the floor, I had to enquire: Just when did I ask you to believe anything?  I share only a (very small) portion of what I have done/seen/known.  I then expect my peers and dears to find a correspondence in their own experience.  As I walk around embodying one hemniscience§ or another, people tend to recognize their own Weirding Ways.  Who needs belief when we have mirror neurons?  

All Hail the Master Monkey! 



 ƒ.  It has never occurred to me to think of the temenos as ‘decommissioned,’ nor the information we are provided therein as somehow unreliable.   The condescension of modern skeptics — their inability to perceive Those-Who-Abide— just marks their anaesthesia, not their intelligence or ‘rationality’ —  which is mathematically-situational.  Change the metric and you’re in another room.   

†. By people who have been or are in it.

*Not one of those humans call themselves rishi, lama, guru, swami, reverend or ‘just an humble monk.’

§ ‘hemniscience’ is just a polite word for ‘half’(hemn)’wit’(iscient).  Hah.  

Wednesday, July 5, 2023

🎶🎶🎶🎶...You Say It's My Birthmonth...🎶🎶🎶🎶

Tomorrow I reluctantly part with my 67th year and take on the 68th.  It's the aesthetics of the new number --two even digits?-- that gives me a mild sense of foreboding.  But I'll begin a '5' year (6+8=14 1+4=5), so there's some syncopation with 2023, our collective "7" year.  

Still, all of that even-numberedness goes with the Call to Retreat that dropped in for the Summer Solstice.  First, I am heading to Mexico City with my goddessdaughter next week (a long-planned introduction to the most marvelous city in the Western hemisphere).  Then I return to prepare a modified retreat for the rest of 2023. 

I was looking for a birthday cake in the form of the Oracle of Ammon at Siwa;
Here’s your guide for my 70th (you’ve got 2 years to figure it out) ... 


Yes. This will be a 'working retreat' - as oxymoronic as that may sound.  One day a week will be devoted to online remote work; three days to health and household maintenance; three days in closed intensive retreat. 

By 'closed' I mean there are ritual boundaries; 'intensive' means I do nothing but the sadhanas (mantra/mudra/mandala/asana) for 72 hours; and 'retreat' is no contact with other human beings until I open those boundaries. The occasional non-human critter may swing through, but they usually just sing along.  

I do have a small income that can cover most of my expenses.    To bridge the shortfall, I'm opening the  EEEmporium on July 21 (for 33 days); and have started a Retreat Ko-Fi for anyone inclined to support me in this Awayness.  

Meanwhile, back at the Birthday. 
Here's what my friend Alegra encouraged: 

Speaking of 'receiving'... here's what I need before the journey in September: 

💥I let all my people off of the hook for my 67th B'day.💥 This year's a little more material: Feeling flush? Hey, pick a letter!  Or two if they're 'C's.  

Or you are welcome to slide over to the  EE Retreat Ko-Fi page and splash down for a one time or wee monthly donation, with the understanding that most of my gratitude will pile up against the Exit door of this retreat (could be February, could be July 2024 - the jury's still out), to come barreling out when I'm finished.  

And of course, shopping at the EEEmporium will also pave the way.  

Merci, faleminderit, gracias, 
εφχαριστο, thank you...  

PS … the Eleusian Epiphanies Patreon is closed until I start teaching again.