Thursday, August 2, 2018

The EE will be taking a few months' break, so I am relocating the About page info here  for "the Innocent, the Eager and the Doomed" ... (phrase filched from The Transitive Vampire ~  thank you Karen Elizabeth Gordon).  
Nagyalma ~Ushnishnavijaya

The Eλeuσian Eπiφanies merge pre-Hellenic ritual with Asiatic yogas for psychonauts, sophiaphiles and other self-initiated spiritual Intrepids.  All told, the E'Epiphanies will unfold five sadhanas (metacognitive practices) over the next two years.

The first is the 33 Names of Goddess garland.

The 33 Names inaugurate what our founders laughingly call "Greek Yoga." Like its counterpart in yogurt, Greek Yoga is luscious, tangy and condensed (but *never* zero fat!). 

We must confess that 'Greek Yoga' is just code for what is cooking in our alchemical kitchen.  We hope you will come back for the tasting party ~ and bring a spoon!
