Tuesday, June 18, 2019

33 Names of Goddess in Retreat

After my last trip to Greece, I spent Spring of 2018 developing (meditating, reading, writing, more meditating) the practice of The 33 Names of Goddess, which is a very --very-- simple, hypnogogic/trance recitation.   This blogpost is to let you know that I will be pulling this practice for the next few months.  Explanation (not particularly short, eh) below:
In June 2018 I began helping my sorta-family with a multi-part move from Alabama to California.  This took more than 2 months to complete, then another several months to organize  and establish the household in L.A.   In November 2018 I took some time away from the scene to create a Patreon page for the Eleusian Epiphanies and draft out the other four practices that make up our suite of 'Greek Yogas.'  
After the New Year, my goddessdaughter asked me to come back to Los Angeles to help care for her dad (who is one of my cherished friends).  Arriving in late February, in March I taught two 33 Names workshops -- first in San Diego, hosted by my great friend Alegra Lowenstein, then another in Austin in Misty Odom's gorgeous studio/home.  
Upon bouncing back to California in March, the demands of my dear friend's health situation gradually revealed that I would have to delay any further development of the Eleusian Epiphanies.  Even a five-minute slide preview to the 2018 Peripateo took more than 3 months to create;  and there are many other moving parts to this project.  Without the warrant of my direct attention, I feel the EEpiphanies may drift into twilit categories that have little to do with their actual purposes.   So I am pulling everything back until I can refocus the project.  
Those who have already taken the 33 Names workshop will get access to the practice page and a little friendly prodding.   Otherwise, it is being withdrawn into my heartspace until the end of this year.   I am not happy about this, but I see no other way to proceed -- except --ironically-- in yielding to hiatus.  

I will be leaving California in early July for a birth-month trip to Texas, and Zoës-willing, the Eleusian Epiphanies  --and particularly, the 33 Names of Goddess-- can resume in November after my next pilgrimage to Greece. 

Gnothi Seu (kai Alla) ton...

eleusis :: Mystes :: alana